Paper Prints Policy

International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research facilitates reprinting or republishing of the manuscripts with an objective to encourage and promote the authors' stringent research works in different avenues such as in conferences, seminars, valuable collection for libraries and other social informative services. International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research ensures that the authors can get the high quality PDF version of their manuscript at a reasonable price.

We provide high-quality reprints in both black & white and color format with a customized cover page to maximize the value of the manuscript. In order to maximize the value of the manuscript, the front cover page comprises of:

  • International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research logo
  • The details of the journal
  • Title of the manuscript
  • The author(s) details
  • A short pennant containing manuscript insights

International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research realizes the value of the author and their manuscripts; therefore we incorporate some policies in reference to the reprints. The aspects related to reprint policy of International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research are as follows:

  • An author should distribute only the final PDF version of an article at his or her discretion at any time after republication. He/she may post it on the author's website, place in an institutional repository, or email to interested colleagues.
  • An author may make and distribute photocopies in any quantity, provided a copyright notice is printed on the opening page.
  • If the manuscript is being reprinted for the library usage, the following conditions are required to be met:
    • The library subscribes to the International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research's journals
    • Photocopying or reprinting is being done at the request of the teacher of a course
    • A copyright notice appears on the first page of each copy
  • The libraries functioning as commercial associations may apply to International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research for PDF versions of manuscripts after paying a nominal charge.
  • The authors are requested to order customized high-quality and bound versions of their manuscripts within two years from the date of manuscript publication.

Printing charges

International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research has framed its reprinting charges cost-to-cost, in order to fulfill two objectives:

  • To provide added-value to the manuscript by designing and developing customized, high-quality front page for the manuscript.
  • To provide support and assistance to the authors who are unable to pay the Manuscript Publication Charges (MPC)

The reprint charges are as follows:

Pages Charges for 100 copies (in USD)
Up to 20 pages 2000
21-49 pages 3600
50-80 pages 4000
Above 80 pages 0.40 USD per page


For example:
If you want a reprint for a book/paper with 85 pages, the cost calculation will be as follows:
For 80 pages = 4000 USD
For next 5 pages = 5 x 0.40 = 2 USD
Total cost = 4002 USD.
Note: For more than 100 copies, the charges will vary according to the number of pages. For estimated cost of more than 100 copies, please contact the editorial office at

Delivery span

The time of delivery for reprints may be 15-30 working days depending on the proximity of the author from the headquarters of International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research.

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